Campaign Finance Reporter 2.4
73.3 MB

Campaign Finance Reporter 2.4

The software requires the use of a username and password
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Software Informer Virus Free award
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The software requires the use of a username and password. Contact the Board to obtain a username and password for your committee. There are several ways you can access support for Campaign Finance Reporter. Several different types of reference materials are available in the menu on the right. You may also contact software support at anytime with any questions you may have.

CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTER is campaign finance record keeping and reporting software developed by the Minnesota Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board for its clients. This Guide is intended to assist political committees, political funds, principal campaign
committees, and party units to comply with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 10A. The Chairs, Treasurers, Officers and others who document committee activities and transactions will find the CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTER helpful in record
keeping, maintaining accuracy, avoiding violations, and timely reporting. Please note, however, that CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTER cannot fully evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the data you report to the Board. It is your responsibility to use care and diligence in maintaining Committee records and ensuring complete and accurate reports.
The requirements of Minnesota campaign finance law are incorporated in CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTER. If you enter a transaction or a series of transactions that would result in a violation, you will be alerted. For most benefit, timely entry of transactions is strongly recommended. Batch-entering data at the end of the year will not catch potential violations in time.



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